Privacy Statement & Disclaimer
私隱聲明 & 免責聲明

新嘉財富證券有限公司 免責聲明



1. 資料使用


2. 並非邀約/建議


3. 知識產權


4. 責任之豁免/限制

本網站所載之資料及材料雖得自相信可靠的來源,但此等資料及材料均「按原樣」基準提供,且可作出任何變動而無須事先通知,而本公司及/或任何有關參與者沒有對其作出任何種類之聲明、保證或承諾,不論明示或暗示的。較具體而言,本公司並不聲明、保證或承諾此等資料及材料並無侵權,或為安全、準確、完整、及時、可靠、適合某特定用途,或不含有電腦病毒。進入及/或使用本網站及/或其內容者,必須自行承擔有關風險。 本公司或其任何聯繫人士無論如何均不會對閣下及/或任何第三者負上因進入、使用或不能進入或使用本網站,或依賴任何本網站提供之資料或服務(包括但不限於任何直接、間接、特別、隨之發生的、偶發性或懲罰性損害賠償而對閣下及/或任何第三者承擔責任)。

5. 彌償


6. 連結/聯繫網站


7. 風險披露


8. 其他

(a) 倘若該等條款的中、英文版本存有任何分歧,則概以英文版本為準。
(b) 該等條款須受香港特別行政區法律規管及按此詮釋,且閣下同意就本網 站所產生的任何事宜或爭議願受香港特別行政區法院的司法管轄權管轄。

New Harvest Wealth Securities Company Limited


By accessing this website or this app, you acknowledge that we, New Harvest Wealth Securities Company Limited ("we" or "company"), do not market, distribute, sell, or offer any products or services accessible through this website or this app outside of Hong Kong. The information and products/services on this website or this app are intended for use only in countries where such access and use comply with local laws and regulations. If you choose to access this website or this app from any location, you do so at your own risk and are solely responsible for complying with local laws and regulations, including any selling restrictions that may be applicable to you as a result of your nationality, residency, or instructions given from an overseas jurisdiction. We do not provide advice on selling restrictions and will not be liable for any consequences arising from non-compliance. You should seek independent legal or other professional advice before taking action on any matters to which information provided on this website or this app may be relevant, or if you have any doubt about how the law applies to you.

By accessing this website and any of its pages, you accept the terms set out below. The company may make any change(s) to these terms at any time by posting the updated terms on this website. By continuing to use this website following the posting of any change(s) to these terms, you signify your consent to the change(s) made. The Company also reserves the right to restrict, interrupt or terminate this website. No other form of notification will be delivered to you.

1. Use of Information

The information contained, and the investments (including but not limited to securities), products and services described, in this website is not intended to be made available to, and/or for use by, any person or any entity in any jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to the laws or regulations of such jurisdiction or would otherwise cause the Company to be subject to and/or violate any legal or regulatory requirement within such jurisdiction.

2. No offer / advice

Nothing contained in this website constitutes an offer, invitation, advice, recommendation or solicitation by the Company to buy, sell or otherwise deal with any investment, product or service. If you wish to invest in any of the investments/products or use any of the services mentioned in this website, you should seek your own professional or other appropriate advice as and when necessary.

3. Intellectual Property

All contents and materials of this website are protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights of the Company, the relevant information providers, the relevant licensors and other relevant third parties (including The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited). No part of any such contents or materials may be copied, modified, reproduced, transmitted, disseminated, sold, distributed, published, displayed in public, broadcasted, circulated, stored for subsequent use or commercially exploited in any manner whatsoever and for any purpose without the prior written consent of the Company, the relevant information providers, the relevant licensors and other relevant third parties.

4. Exclusion/Limitation of Liability

While the information and materials contained in this website have been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, such information and materials are provided on an “as is” basis without any representation, warranty or guarantee of any kind, whether express or implied, on the part of the Company and/or any relevant party, and is subject to change without prior notice. In particular, no representation, warranty or guarantee regarding non-infringement, security, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, reliability, fitness for any particular purpose or freedom from computer viruses is given in connection with such information and materials. Access to and/or use of this website and/or its contents shall be at your own risks. In no event will the Company or any of its affiliates have any tortious, contractual or any other liability to you and/or any third party arising out of or in connection with any access to, use of or inability to access to this website, or any reliance on any information or services provided in this website (including but not limited to any direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or punitive damages whatsoever).

5. Indemnification

You will on demand indemnify the Company against all actions, claims, other liabilities and all costs suffered or incurred as a result of your use of this website, including but not limited to the breach of any or all of these terms.

6. Linked/Associated Sites

Web sites linked to this website are included for your convenience and information purpose only and have not been reviewed by the Company. The Company shall not be responsible for the contents of such linked websites. Access to and use of such linked websites are at your own risks and are subject to any terms and conditions applicable to such access or use. By providing links to these linked websites, the Company shall not be deemed to endorse, recommend, approve, guarantee or introduce any third parties or the services/products they provide on their web site, or have any form of co-operation or association with such third parties and websites. The Company is not a party to any contractual arrangements entered into between you and the provider of such linked websites unless otherwise expressly specified or agreed to by the Company in writing.

7. Risks Disclosure

Transactions or communications over the internet may be subject to interruption, transmission blackout, delayed transmission and/or incorrect data transmission due to various reasons such as the public nature of the internet. The Company does not warrant or represent that any communication available or generated from this website is free from virus or harmful components. The Company does not make any representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, functionality or performance of any third party software that may be used in connection with this website. The Company assumes no liability whatsoever in this regard. You have sole responsibility for adequate protection and back up of data and for undertaking reasonable and appropriate precautions to scan for computer viruses or other destructive properties.

8. Others

(a) If there is any inconsistency between the English version and Chinese version of these terms, the English version shall prevail.
(b) These terms shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in respect of any matters or disputes arising under this website.

Privacy Statement & Disclaimer

私隱聲明 & 免責聲明

新嘉財富證券有限公司 免責聲明



1. 資料使用


2. 並非邀約/建議


3. 知識產權


4. 責任之豁免/限制

本網站所載之資料及材料雖得自相信可靠的來源,但此等資料及材料均「按原樣」基準提供,且可作出任何變動而無須事先通知,而本公司及/或任何有關參與者沒有對其作出任何種類之聲明、保證或承諾,不論明示或暗示的。較具體而言,本公司並不聲明、保證或承諾此等資料及材料並無侵權,或為安全、準確、完整、及時、可靠、適合某特定用途,或不含有電腦病毒。進入及/或使用本網站及/或其內容者,必須自行承擔有關風險。 本公司或其任何聯繫人士無論如何均不會對閣下及/或任何第三者負上因進入、使用或不能進入或使用本網站,或依賴任何本網站提供之資料或服務(包括但不限於任何直接、間接、特別、隨之發生的、偶發性或懲罰性損害賠償而對閣下及/或任何第三者承擔責任)。

5. 彌償


6. 連結/聯繫網站


7. 風險披露


8. 其他

(a) 倘若該等條款的中、英文版本存有任何分歧,則概以英文版本為準。
(b) 該等條款須受香港特別行政區法律規管及按此詮釋,且閣下同意就本網 站所產生的任何事宜或爭議願受香港特別行政區法院的司法管轄權管轄。

New Harvest Wealth Securities Company Limited


By accessing this website or this app, you acknowledge that we, New Harvest Wealth Securities Company Limited ("we" or "company"), do not market, distribute, sell, or offer any products or services accessible through this website or this app outside of Hong Kong. The information and products/services on this website or this app are intended for use only in countries where such access and use comply with local laws and regulations. If you choose to access this website or this app from any location, you do so at your own risk and are solely responsible for complying with local laws and regulations, including any selling restrictions that may be applicable to you as a result of your nationality, residency, or instructions given from an overseas jurisdiction. We do not provide advice on selling restrictions and will not be liable for any consequences arising from non-compliance. You should seek independent legal or other professional advice before taking action on any matters to which information provided on this website or this app may be relevant, or if you have any doubt about how the law applies to you.

By accessing this website and any of its pages, you accept the terms set out below. The company may make any change(s) to these terms at any time by posting the updated terms on this website. By continuing to use this website following the posting of any change(s) to these terms, you signify your consent to the change(s) made. The Company also reserves the right to restrict, interrupt or terminate this website. No other form of notification will be delivered to you.

1. Use of Information

The information contained, and the investments (including but not limited to securities), products and services described, in this website is not intended to be made available to, and/or for use by, any person or any entity in any jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to the laws or regulations of such jurisdiction or would otherwise cause the Company to be subject to and/or violate any legal or regulatory requirement within such jurisdiction.

2. No offer / advice

Nothing contained in this website constitutes an offer, invitation, advice, recommendation or solicitation by the Company to buy, sell or otherwise deal with any investment, product or service. If you wish to invest in any of the investments/products or use any of the services mentioned in this website, you should seek your own professional or other appropriate advice as and when necessary.

3. Intellectual Property

All contents and materials of this website are protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights of the Company, the relevant information providers, the relevant licensors and other relevant third parties (including The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited). No part of any such contents or materials may be copied, modified, reproduced, transmitted, disseminated, sold, distributed, published, displayed in public, broadcasted, circulated, stored for subsequent use or commercially exploited in any manner whatsoever and for any purpose without the prior written consent of the Company, the relevant information providers, the relevant licensors and other relevant third parties.

4. Exclusion/Limitation of Liability

While the information and materials contained in this website have been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, such information and materials are provided on an “as is” basis without any representation, warranty or guarantee of any kind, whether express or implied, on the part of the Company and/or any relevant party, and is subject to change without prior notice. In particular, no representation, warranty or guarantee regarding non-infringement, security, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, reliability, fitness for any particular purpose or freedom from computer viruses is given in connection with such information and materials. Access to and/or use of this website and/or its contents shall be at your own risks. In no event will the Company or any of its affiliates have any tortious, contractual or any other liability to you and/or any third party arising out of or in connection with any access to, use of or inability to access to this website, or any reliance on any information or services provided in this website (including but not limited to any direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or punitive damages whatsoever).

5. Indemnification

You will on demand indemnify the Company against all actions, claims, other liabilities and all costs suffered or incurred as a result of your use of this website, including but not limited to the breach of any or all of these terms.

6. Linked/Associated Sites

Web sites linked to this website are included for your convenience and information purpose only and have not been reviewed by the Company. The Company shall not be responsible for the contents of such linked websites. Access to and use of such linked websites are at your own risks and are subject to any terms and conditions applicable to such access or use. By providing links to these linked websites, the Company shall not be deemed to endorse, recommend, approve, guarantee or introduce any third parties or the services/products they provide on their web site, or have any form of co-operation or association with such third parties and websites. The Company is not a party to any contractual arrangements entered into between you and the provider of such linked websites unless otherwise expressly specified or agreed to by the Company in writing.

7. Risks Disclosure

Transactions or communications over the internet may be subject to interruption, transmission blackout, delayed transmission and/or incorrect data transmission due to various reasons such as the public nature of the internet. The Company does not warrant or represent that any communication available or generated from this website is free from virus or harmful components. The Company does not make any representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, functionality or performance of any third party software that may be used in connection with this website. The Company assumes no liability whatsoever in this regard. You have sole responsibility for adequate protection and back up of data and for undertaking reasonable and appropriate precautions to scan for computer viruses or other destructive properties.

8. Others

(a) If there is any inconsistency between the English version and Chinese version of these terms, the English version shall prevail.
(b) These terms shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in respect of any matters or disputes arising under this website.

Level 32, Lee Garden One,
33 Hysan Ave, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
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